Ride Boldly!

Bikes, bicycling, and road safety.

Bop Til You Drop


Leaves from St. Paul. 62 miles via Woodbury, 79 miles via Woodbury and Stillwater, and 89 miles via Woodbury, Hudson (WI), and Stillwater.


  1. I am interested in the 89 mile ride and want to know about the cost,registration and any other information.



  2. Hi Brian. If you’re a member of TCBC, there is no cost associated. If you’re a non-member, there is a $2 fee to be paid at the ride.

    As far as sign-up, no advance sign-up is required. Just come to the ride start at least 15 minutes before the posted time of departure to sign in, get a map, pay the $2 if a non-member, and meet the other folks on the ride. There will be a brief route discussion as well.

    The route we’re running on Memorial Day will be slightly different than this map — this was the 2007 map, and the construction issues have changed since last year!

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