Ride Boldly!

Bikes, bicycling, and road safety.

May 18, 2011
by julie
Comments Off on Transit & Minnesota’s Continued Budget Kerfuffle

Transit & Minnesota’s Continued Budget Kerfuffle

As Minnesota rolls towards budget impasse and probable governmental shutdown, it’s interesting to make note of some of what’s been going down in regards to transit. The legislature has slashed Twin Cities transit funding, although it’s hard to say if … Continue reading

April 6, 2011
by julie
Comments Off on Draft Federal Budget Slashes Transportation, Slams ‘Bike Trails’

Draft Federal Budget Slashes Transportation, Slams ‘Bike Trails’

Based on recent rhetoric, the draft budget released by House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI) shouldn’t surprise transportation advocates. Streetsblog DC takes a deep dive into the proposal and discovers quite a lot to dislike if you believe in … Continue reading

March 29, 2011
by julie
Comments Off on Minnesota Bridges: Above Average (But Still In Disrepair)

Minnesota Bridges: Above Average (But Still In Disrepair)

Wondering about the current state of Minnesota’s bridges? Transportation for America has you covered. They’ve been releasing state-by-state reports on the state of bridge infrastructure in each state. Minnesota was one of their early releases, as Minnesota also offers one … Continue reading

March 24, 2011
by julie

Minnesota Budget Shenanigans: Transit Funding

I think a lot of people have believed that with a GOP-controlled legislature and a DFL governor, not a lot is going to get done this legislative session in Minnesota. Posturing over the budget, however, is happening. How much of … Continue reading

March 14, 2011
by julie
Comments Off on Biking & Walking in Minnesota Fact Sheet

Biking & Walking in Minnesota Fact Sheet

As part of last week’s National Bike Summit, hosted by the League of American Bicyclists, America Bikes put together state-by-state fact sheets about biking and walking for use by advocates in their meetings with members of Congress. Biking & Walking … Continue reading