Ride Boldly!

Bikes, bicycling, and road safety.

March 3, 2011
by julie
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Subsidizing Driving

Yesterday, the House of Representatives passed yet another extension to the Transportation Bill — number seven, to be exact. Most transportation spending comes via the dedicated Highway Trust Fund. The trust fund is supplied via the 18.5-cent per gallon federal … Continue reading

March 3, 2011
by julie
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Bicycle Summit 2011: Be A Voice for Cycling Every Day

On February 28, 2011, 175 bicyclists and friends of active transport gathered in Saint Paul to discuss bicycle issues in Minnesota, and to get excited about the chance to speak up for bicycles at the state legislature. Maybe you were … Continue reading

March 2, 2011
by julie
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Bicycle Facilities, Best Practices & Reluctant Cyclists

I’ve previously written about the challenge of getting the 60% of would-be cyclists who are “Interested but Concerned” onto bicycles more frequently and as users of bicycles for transport. I’ve also written about the design issues associated with bicycle facilities … Continue reading

February 28, 2011
by julie
1 Comment

Minnesota Bicycle Summit: Recap

Today was the first ever Minnesota Bicycle Summit. Based on attendance, it is unlikely to be the last. More than 175 people attended the event, absorbing information about cycling in Minnesota and learning to be effective citizen lobbyists on behalf … Continue reading

February 28, 2011
by julie
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Lunch & Afternoon Sessions: Minnesota Bicycle Summit 2011

From the Minnesota Bicycle Summit 2011 Morning Session Legislative Agenda Lunch & Capitol Rotunda Sessions At lunch and in the afternoon at the 2011 Minnesota Bicycle Summit, the Bicycle Alliance of Minnesota and more than 175 attendees were excited to … Continue reading