Ride Boldly!

Bikes, bicycling, and road safety.

April 22, 2011
by julie

U of M Bike Lanes: Bad Design, Bad Results

In the wake of yesterday’s cyclist death near the University of Minnesota, I pointed out that the bike lanes near along 4th and University do not seem to meet current accepted standards for width, although I’ve not personally measured them. … Continue reading

April 21, 2011
by julie
1 Comment

Don’t Be A Jerk At Bike Events – Yeah, You

Spring is here, and thus the season of Minnesota bicycle event rides begins. The traditional season-opener, the Minnesota Ironman, is coming up May 1, slightly later than usual this year due to the lateness of Easter. Thus, it’s an ideal … Continue reading

March 23, 2011
by julie

FHWA Approves Contraflow Bike Lanes; Physics Remains Horrified

Via TheCityFix comes news that the Federal Highway Administration has officially blessed the concept of contraflow bike lanes as part of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). Summed up, a contraflow bike lane is a bike lane that … Continue reading

March 14, 2011
by julie
1 Comment

Spring Bicycle Commuting Tips

Everyone gets all a-twitch about winter biking: Tips, cautions, etc. But, when it comes down to it, every season has its challenges for a bike commuter. Spring, often considered by cyclists as a special friend, is its own bag of … Continue reading