Ride Boldly!

Bikes, bicycling, and road safety.

May 22, 2008
by julie
Comments Off on Chicago Tribune Gets it Right

Chicago Tribune Gets it Right

Amidst my complaints about bad media coverage of cycling in general, the Chicago Tribune goes and publishes an article that gets it right. While sensationally titled, as a communicator I can’t really argue that kind of title – it’s what … Continue reading

April 18, 2008
by julie
Comments Off on Buying a Bike

Buying a Bike

Spring is here. High gas prices are here, too. With that comes a deluge of people asking: “What bike should I buy?” I end up answering that a lot for friends, relatives, random co-workers who see the picture of me … Continue reading

April 10, 2008
by julie
Comments Off on Media Bias in Cycling Accidents

Media Bias in Cycling Accidents

Bob Mionske, author of the excellent and invaluable Bicycling & the Law, has highlighted the issue of media bias in bicycle-vehicle accidents in his newest VeloNews column. I would be the first to agree with his assertion that cyclists who … Continue reading

April 3, 2008
by julie
Comments Off on Street Design for Cyclists & Pedestrians

Street Design for Cyclists & Pedestrians

MPR reported this morning that Minneapolis is taking some federal funding and redesigning some residential streets to provide better travel opportunities for bicyclists and pedestrians. These bike/walk streets will use traffic calming techniques to discourage vehicular through traffic, and reduce … Continue reading