Today’s Minneapolis Star-Tribune has a story about the new Minnesota Twins stadium and the Cedar Lake Trail. The CLT currently goes from Hopkins to a point near downtown. While funds have been available to finish linking the path to the river — and the network of paths and streets nearby — construction has been on hold because of Twins stadium planning.
Now, allegedly, planners have figured out a way to tunnel the CLT under the stadium. Per the article:
Cyclists like the on-grade route but raised concerns about safety in the long, covered section.
No, really? There have been numerous incidents over near the current end-point of the Trail. Most people who know the area suggest riding in groups near the Glenwood entrance and through the first several tunnels, all of which are shorter than the proposed tunnel under the stadium.
Give me daylight and a few ramps before you give me an ‘oh, really, it’ll be a WELL-LIGHTED tunnel!’ Sheesh.