A few articles of interest from around Ze Interwebz this week for your weekend enjoyment:
- EXTRA! EXTRA! MONEY WASTED ON EXTRAVAGANT HIGHWAY PROJECT! — Getting Around Minneapolis takes a look at the new Rice Street interchange at MN36 in Roseville and finds the project dumb.
- Another Reason to Complete Our Streets — The Minnesota 2020 blog looks at the value of Complete Streets for older citizens, with links to additional studies and articles.
- Bike Lane Meeting Gets Hot — Meanwhile, in Brooklyn, New York, a controversial bike lane project continues to create insane public meetings. At this one, covered by Transportation Nation, the chief opposition are… local senior citizens. What?
- Are People Nicer in Cities? — Wired magazine looks at studies about cities and why they exist, and their benefits/drawbacks. My summary is really bad. Just go read it.
- Single Women Spend Most of their Money on Shelter & Transportation — Some facts and figures from Alt Transport and the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Statistics like this shed light on how smart development spending can help single women.
That about does it for this week. Get outside this weekend!
March 12, 2011 at 2:15 pm
I’m curious why you were surprised at senior citizens being anti-bike? They are frequently the most vocal opponents of using roads for anything but cars.
March 13, 2011 at 5:21 pm
Tim: I’m not surprised, just saddened. Most traffic calming efforts tend to help seniors a lot, both in and out of their vehicles, based on their speed in street-crossing and their reflex reaction time as drivers. Yet, so many of them are blind to these benefits.