As Congress discusses making significant budget cuts, cycling and programs that encourage multi-modal transportation options are almost sure to be under threat.
As such, it is highly recommended that cyclists and friends write to their US representative (find yours here) to discourage cutting funding for key programs. A few programs likely to be threatened include:
- Section 402 funding – funds support State and community programs to reduce deaths and injuries on the highways.
- Safe Routes to Schools – funds enable communities to improve safety and access to permit more children, including children with disabilities, to safely walk and bicycle to school. Children who walk and bicycle to school are less likely to be obese, among other benefits.
- Transportation Enhancement Grants – funds help expand transportation choices and enhance the transportation experience, including enhancing pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure and safety programs.
The best bet for contacting your Representative is to use their website e-mail form, or call their office using their published number. Postal mail has numerous issues in the current security atmosphere at the Capitol. The links above provide information about the programs that can help you speak to the value of these investments in alternate transportation options.